Best ways to strengthen family bonds

Families today are incredibly busy. Jobs, education, after-school events, community service, doctor's appointments, and other obligations clog up schedules. Finding quality family time and increasing family bonding can be difficult to come by. It takes time and effort to create a family that respects and encourages one another. To reinforce your family's ties, try these suggestions.

  • Be considerate of one another. Children learn by observing and imitating adults. Acts of kindness can be as easy as opening a door for others, putting dishes away without being asked, or kissing your parents when they get home from work.

  • Dinner should be shared. Mealtime is a wonderful time to chat about your day with your family. The dinner table should be a place where people can talk openly. Congratulate each other on achievements and inspire those who are having a difficult time. Children who eat meals with their families on a regular basis have higher academic scores and use of tobacco, alcohol, and narcotics is decreased.

  • Together, we will live life to the fullest. Make decisions as a family. Take a walk, ride your horse, or go to a concert. Children who engage in family events have a stronger sense of belonging and self-esteem.

  • Have a game night with the boys. Gather your mates for a potluck. Play games with the kids that are interactive. Form teams of boys vs. girls or children vs. parents, and encourage friendly rivalry. Surrounding your family with other families that share your values fosters culture.

  • Laugh at yourself. Laughter is beneficial to the spirit. Simply to hear your children laugh, share a funny video or story with them. Encourage your children to tell you funny stories. Laughter relieves stress and boosts the immune system.

  • Demonstrate gratitude. A simple “thank you” will make a big difference. Family members would feel more valuable if you express your gratitude to them. Send a note of thanks to a family member for the things they do to make your life better.

  • Experiment with new ideas. At first, trying new things can be daunting. Going on a roller coaster trip or taking an art class with your family will help you conquer your fears and develop the confidence to try new things.

  • As a family, volunteer. Kids feel more connected and socially adept when they volunteer in their group to support others. Caring for the less fortunate teaches empathy and compassion for others.

  • Compliment some. Make it a habit to say something nice to anyone in your family on a regular basis.

Families that are strong teach us how to work in the world. They provide us with warmth and support as we celebrate our accomplishments and provide comfort during difficult times. Switch off the television and spend time with the ones you care about. Spending time with family members helps to reinforce ties, cultivate character, and raise self-esteem. Children excel in environments where they are cherished. Invest in the ones who are most important to you.

Related: 20 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day


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