10 Fabulously Fun Family Activities To Bring You Closer Together

It's the height of summer, which makes it an ideal time for families to get together and enjoy long sunny days. But how do you proceed?

There are so many fun family activities to choose from that we've compiled a list of 25 to get you started.

1. Go to a museum

Museum visits are both educational and fun, and they have a way of lingering in your mind, providing many happy memories for your children. Search Google to see what's available, or take a day trip further afield to see what's available.

Check out this video to learn why visiting museums is a good idea:

2. Take a ride in a hot air balloon.

It's summertime. It's sunny outside. Sunsets are stunning, and there are many lovely sights to see. Why not take a hot air balloon ride and make those unforgettable memories?

3. Prepare food!

Teach your children how to cook, or learn a few new tricks yourself. Cooking is primarily enjoyable, but it also offers an opportunity to instill a few good behaviors in your family.

Why not try homemade pizza made with organic wholemeal flour instead of the more conventional sugary snacks? Add some wheat germ to the dough mixture, mush and beat it into shape, and then bake it with whatever toppings you want: Asparagus with mushrooms and sweetcorn is a delicious combination.

Another special recipe I can highly recommend is Yottam Ottolenghi's incredible cauliflower cake. It's special, and it often sparks a lively discussion when you bring it up with friends or family.

Or, if you want to keep it easy, make some popcorn.

Of course, there are plenty of other recipes to try. The Green Kitchen app is unrivaled in terms of inspiration. This one has a lot of nutritious and delicious recipes – it's not cheap, but it's well worth it for recipes like the immune-boosting turmeric lassi.

Green Kitchen has also created a balanced dessert app, so you can really amp up your meals without packing on the pounds.

4. Go on a picnic.

Do you have a favorite spot in the countryside or an urban park? Make a delicious lunch (you may have picked up a few ideas from #3) and eat it outside.

Fine dining, lively chatter, and a rustic setting? It's fine.

5. Go on a treasure hunt

Geocaching is the world's biggest treasure hunt. It's a worldwide event in which people conceal caches and leave notes for you to find. You can use the website to look for ones in your region.

6. Create your own YouTube channel.

It's simple and free to start a YouTube channel. You can vlog about something or try something more ambitious, such as making a family film or documenting the antics of a pet.

Expect it to be more of an artistic outlet and a diary of your lives than fame and fortune.

7. Create a blog 

Why not start a family blog and join the international blogging community? Thanks to services like WordPress, you can get started for free. If you like it, you will pay to upgrade your account – a Personal Plan costs $36 per year.

Looking back a few years brings back wonderful memories.

8. Take time to read

It is well known how important reading is for children. They will be able to expand their vocabulary and understand more about the world as a result of it.

But what should I read? While Harry Potter is a given, why not try something new with your family? I highly recommend the illustrated version of E.H. Gombrich's classic A Little History of the World, which is jam-packed with stunning photographs.

9. Learn more about the movie

You will appreciate their review in addition to watching movies. Kermode and Mayo Film Review Show on the BBC is a great combination of satire, conversation, and reviews of the most recent releases.

The Church of Wittertainment, as the podcast is affectionately known, should become a big part of your life due to its global culture. There's even an app called Wittr that allows you to track down other Wittertainees (listeners) all over the world.

The show's presenters bicker like an old married couple, but the many in-jokes will have you looking forward to Friday afternoons – it airs once a week at 2pm BST.

10. Do some housework (in a fun way)

If you've seen Mary Poppins' scene where you're fooled into thinking chores are interesting, ChoreMonster is a strange one (for about 20 seconds).

This app changes everything, and it also involves your children. It's a perfect way to help them become more independent, enjoy themselves, and take on new roles around the house – just download the app, set it up, and they'll be ecstatic to do the dishes from now on. 

Related:  Simple Ways to Entertain Your Family


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