When Father's Day was first proposed, it was not immediately accepted, and it did not become a national holiday in the United States until 1972, during President Richard Nixon's administration. Why was it such a contentious debate? Learn about the origins of Father's Day.

You would think that, given America's past, a holiday honoring men would be perfectly appropriate. After all, in the early twentieth century, men dominated American society. A “Father's Day,” or a day celebrating the role of fathers in the family, is also a long-standing tradition. A Southern European tradition dating back to 1508 is listed in history books.

In today's world, we don't give Father's Day a second thought. The third Sunday in June has been designated as a dedicated day to remember and honor the importance of fathers in society since President Richard Nixon's administration proclaimed it nearly 50 years ago.


When Father's Day was first suggested, however, it was not immediately approved. What's to stop you?

Since Mother's Day was the first (officially recognized in 1914), men in the early 1900s associated it with women and thought it was too effeminate for them. Mother's Day was, to be honest, framed in terms of femininity. Mother's Day was founded in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson as a way to honor "the tender, gentle army—the mothers of America."

Men compared it to Mother's Day, which was common among florists; fathers, on the other hand, didn't find it as romantic. They "scoffed at the holiday's nostalgic attempts to domesticate manhood with flowers and gift-giving, or they derided the prevalence of such holidays as a commercial gimmick to sell more products–often paid for by the father himself," according to one historian.

Men have played a different role in the first half of the century, according to Lawrence R. Samuel, author of American Fatherhood: A Cultural History. It was a patriarchal society, so they thought a special day to honor fatherhood was a silly idea, particularly because mothers were underappreciated.

However, for a number of reasons, the mentality shifted over time.


Clayton, Grace Golden

On July 5, 1908, hundreds of men died in the worst mining disaster in US history, and the first recognized Father's Day service was held in Fairmont, West Virginia.

Grace Golden Clayton, the daughter of a devout minister, suggested a memorial service for all fathers, especially those who had passed away. The commemoration, however, did not become an annual occurrence, and it was not widely publicized—only a few people outside the local area were aware of it. Meanwhile, another woman was inspired to honor fathers around the world...

Sonora Smart Dodd

Anna Jarvis and the idea of Mother's Day influenced Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, in 1909. Sonora's father was a single parent who raised Sonora and her five brothers after his wife Ellen died in 1898 while giving birth to their youngest child. Her father, William Jackson Smart, was a farmer and Civil War veteran. Sonora, then 27, had the idea while attending a Mother's Day church service in 1909.

Sonora persuaded the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA to set aside a Sunday in June to honor fathers within a few months. She suggested June 5, her father's birthday, but the ministers agreed on the third Sunday in June so that they would have more time to plan their sermons after Mother's Day (the second Sunday in May). On June 19, 1910, Sonora presented gifts to handicapped fathers, YMCA boys adorned their lapels with fresh-cut roses (red for living fathers, white for deceased fathers), and city ministers dedicated their homilies to fatherhood.


The widely recorded events in Spokane struck a chord in Washington, D.C., and Sonora's celebration began its journey toward becoming a national holiday. Because of the similarities with Mother's Day, the holiday did not take off right away.

  • President Woodrow Wilson and his family attended the commemoration in 1916.

  • President Calvin Coolidge signed a pro-Day Father's resolution eight years later, with the aim of "establishing more intimate ties between fathers and their children and impressing upon fathers the full measure of their responsibilities."

  • President Lyndon B. Johnson issued an executive order in 1966 directing that the holiday be observed on the third Sunday in June.

  • In 1972, Congress passed legislation declaring Father's Day a national holiday, thanks to President Richard Nixon. (Sonora died at the age of 96 six years later.)



Father's Day was moved forward due to a couple of other economic factors:

  1. The Great Depression hit the United States. Everyone was pinching their pennies, so the economy needed a boost. Father's Day was used as an excuse by failing retailers to get fathers some of the clothes and material products they needed. It gave me an excuse to get dad the necktie or pair of socks that he wouldn't buy for himself.

  2. World War II broke out. The front lines were manned by men. Another motive to support and display respect for dads was the need to support American troops and the war effort.


The definition of fatherhood has grown as well. It's not the "feminine style" of flowers, but rather a day to respect what the traditional father loves, whether it's fishing, flying, or go-karting! It focuses on the more important roles that fathers play in their children's lives.

This shift is partly due to how culture has changed. There are no longer armies of drone workers toiling away in industrial factories, as we hand-stitch and hand-wash all of our clothing. The modern father's position has grown to involve both mothers and fathers as spouses, with each taking on greater responsibilities within the family.

The importance of fatherhood cannot be overstated, as several studies have shown what happens when a father figure is absent. In certain respects, today's Father's Day will help to highlight the significance and meaning of fatherhood—as well as the gifts that a family's father bestows on his children. See how fathers have a significant influence on their children's growth.


Of course, North America isn't the only area where Father's Day is observed.

  • Father's Day is celebrated on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, in historically Catholic countries such as Spain and Portugal.

  • Since the Mandarin Chinese word for eight sounds like the word for "Papa," the Taiwanese celebrate Father's Day on August 8, the eighth day of the eighth month.

  • Father's Day is observed in Thailand on December 5, the birthday of former King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

What are your preparations for Father's Day? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Related:  15 Dad Facts for Father's Day


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