10 Things All Pro Dads Don’t Do

One of your most incredible experiences was the first time you saw your child. Your emotions were nearly indescribable. Your thoughts wandered to how you would make that precious little baby's life better. Have you done so? Life moves on, and we all learn that parenting is difficult to work. That doesn't imply you have to be a bad father.

Being a good father, on the other hand, necessitates sacrifice and diligence. Most importantly, it necessitates a man feeling and sharing a love greater than he ever imagined was possible. There is no such thing as a perfect parent and even the best make their share of mistakes. But when we are trying to be the best fathers we can be, there are things we definitely don’t do. Here are ten examples.

1. No Pro Dad avoids communication.

Your children want your undivided attention. It means everything to them. Coming home from work, turning on ESPN, and tuning everything else out is the default for many men. Don't be that way. If you do, it can severely sever the lines of communication that you will desperately want to keep open as your children grow. Turn off the TV, get down on their level, and begin listening. You will never be sorry.

2. All Pro Dads are not abusive.

According to Maryland's Baltimore County Government, 84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children. They also claim that one in every three girls and one in every five boys is sexually abused by an adult at some point during their childhood. More than 80% of the abusers are parents or people close to the child. Abuse, whether physical, sexual, or emotional, cannot and will not be tolerated. There are no justifications.

3. Every Pro Dad sets a good example.

A hypocrite can be detected by a child in the same way that you can. When you say one thing and do another, you send mixed messages and set yourself up for future repercussions if your child does the same. If we are to be effective leaders, we must hold ourselves accountable to set the best example possible.

4. All-Pro Dads do not neglect their children.

A father's responsibilities as the head of the family are numerous. We must take special care not to overlook any of them. This also applies to divorced fathers. Take care of your business. Pay your child support on time and in full.

5. No Pro Dad prioritizes work over family.

Workaholics abound, and they have a plethora of justifications for their actions. Raising a child is an expensive endeavor that necessitates both money and a strong work ethic. In most cases, however, the workaholic is going overboard for selfish reasons, such as gaining status or avoiding other responsibilities. Putting your career ahead of your family is a bad father move. It causes messes that can be difficult to clean up later. Choose your priorities with care.

6. Not all Pro Dads live selfishly.

It is a father's responsibility to prioritize the needs of his family over his own. Individual interests, such as a round of golf or time away with friends, are important, but they should always take a back seat to the family you lead. Unselfishly contribute to the happiness and security of your family members. They arrive before you.

7. All-Pro Dads do not deny their children's affection.

We are spiritually obligated to show affection and tenderness to our parents, spouses, siblings, and children. Hug your children and tell them you love them. If you don't, they will find someone who will.

8. All-Pro Dads adhere to discipline.

Failing to discipline children is an enormous mistake that hurts the child as well as society. In today's world, it is easy to find examples of children who have never heard the word "no" or experienced the consequences of their actions. The end result is a life that is never lived to its full potential. Discipline your children properly. It is a wonderful expression of love as well as an investment in their future.

9. Not all Pro Dads stunt their children's development.

It appears illogical that any parent would purposefully stifle their own children's growth and development. However, there are numerous actions we can take that can accomplish this. We may fail to recognize and nurture a child's natural talents. Some parents place unrealistic expectations on a child by trying to live out their own dreams through their children. Allow your children to develop into the individuals they were born to be. We are to assist them in laying a solid foundation and instilling success principles. When it's time to let your child go, have faith in him or her.

10. No disrespect is shown by all Pro Dads.

A father who demonstrates honor, courage, and respect is not a bad father. When we disrespect ourselves, our spouses, and our families, however, we taint everything in our sphere of influence. The consequences are far-reaching and extremely contagious. “Men are respectable only to the extent that they respect.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Related:  Top 10 Things Every New Dad Should Know


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